Here we go…

Sometimes, even I hesitate to post something on my facebook page. I know I am lucky enough to have a wild range of folks I call friends and don’t want to disrespect their beliefs. Yup, believe it or not.

So here on What now Lewis, I will write whatever shows up in my head and try to put it in words. Sometimes it may just be something that happened to me or a memory that refuses to leave, who knows?

The last few weeks have brought more news to myself and many close friends of the passing of a couple really good locals. I was proud to know Scott Ayers and Wade Thompson, awesome guys. And younger than me. I have people tell me ” We are at that age, where we will lose more and more friends”. I’m still working on figuring that out. I have been losing friends since I was 12 or 13, I don’t think there is an age where we should just blame it on that saying. Losing someone is something a person shouldn’t “Get” use to, but I’m afraid I have. I’m jaded you see. Death did that to me, years and years of death, both personal and unknown, it wears on a person. But we trudge on, wondering who’s next?

Published by admin

6 comments on “Here we go…”

  1. Thank you Lewis this is going to be great! I know we have only meet and hung out a few times, but those are some times that have turned into some great memories for me! I know death too and it is hard to not take it personally, when it seems to alway be around. I know you have a forever place in my heart.
    Thank you my brother from another
    The other Lewis!

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